How to Choose The Best Surgical Dental Extraction in Jaipur at Affordable Fee

Tooth extraction, also referred to as dental extraction, is the process of pulling off damaged teeth from the alveolus jawbones because of their inability to carry daily activities, which may be because of trauma, overcrowding, or disease. Oral surgeons perform dental extraction, the causes of which are many tooth decay, crooked teeth, or wisdom teeth. However, it’s a general myth among people that an oral surgeon will perform surgery, he makes best efforts for preserving natural teeth but in case, when the surgical operation is the last hope to save the teeth from future complexity, then only trained oral and maxillofacial surgeons perform dental extraction. Depending upon the nature, condition of the tooth, your dentist will suggest when to visit an oral surgeon. Get the Best surgical extraction in Jaipur

Reasons Oral surgeon perform a tooth extraction,

1. Trauma accident or Fracture 

2. Crooked teeth

3. Wisdom teeth

4. To make space for brace treatment

5. Oral cavity and gum diseases

Types of Dental Extraction

The type of procedure to be followed depends on the size, location, shape, and alignment of the tooth. Extractions are classified as simple and surgical extractions

Simple Extraction-In this dentist removes the tooth visible above the jaw at one time by giving anesthesia which hardly takes 15-20 minutes. This procedure is performed in the office itself.

Surgical Extraction- This is complicated and surgeons have to remove the teeth in pieces. These complex teeth are not visible and are hiding behind the jawline. There will be some pressure, but no pain.

Wisdom Extraction- Also called the third molar. They are usually the last ones to come in between the age of 17 to 25. Now if wisdom teeth don’t have space to grow it will cause pain. Wisdom tooth extraction is performed by an oral surgeon.


The procedure starts with the x-ray images of the patient's tooth. The surgeon will remove the tooth in pieces. If some obstruction arises the surgeon may cut the obstructing area. Don’t worry you will not feel pain. If you do feel pain alert your surgeon immediately.

After extraction, bleeding may occur, your surgeon will put a thick layer of gauze plate over the extraction site.

How does tooth extraction feel like?


We all love our teeth as they help to eat melodious dishes around. We pray our teeth remain forever in the same condition, but some infections may harm them causing gum diseases or cavities. To remove the damaged teeth, sometimes performing surgery is the only option.

During the extraction, there should not be more pain, but yes there will be some sound and a little bit of pressure as the tooth is extracted.

Cost of Tooth Extraction

Cost depends on the nature of complexity, the skill required, anesthesia required. If surgeons put more effort into the process of removal, the cost of extraction increases. Top surgical dentist in Jaipur usually charge on the dependencies of treatment, but it is quite difficult to know the exact cost of tooth extraction. Surgical dental extraction in Jaipur usually costs something 8000 and will help you to get the best advice and treatment.

Points to remember after tooth extraction- Aftercare

After you had a successful tooth extraction, your surgeon will ask you to relax for a quick recovery. Recovery usually depends on the type of extraction and location of the tooth, but it usually takes 5 to 8 days. The following points should be known for reducing discomfort, pain, and quick healing:

1. Take medicines as prescribed

2. Apply ice bag at the surgical portion to lower swelling and pain.

3. Eat soft foods like soup. Follow the diet suggested by the surgeon. Add solid foods once the site is healed.

4. Avoid smoking and drinking habits

5. Do regular brushing to avoid infection but less avoid the extraction site

6. Leave the initial gauze pad in place about 3 to 4hours after extraction.

7. Use pillows, as lying flat can increase the healing period.


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